September 23, 2024

Top Tips for Safe Driving to Avoid Collisions

The bumper of a vehicle in need of repair in a CSN auto body shop

Driving is such an established part of our daily lives. People drive to and from work, to weekend getaways, to run errands, grab their morning coffees—the list goes on. 

However, spending more time in the car also increases the risk of accidents. The Government of Canada shared that in 2022, there were 1,931 motor vehicle fatalities and 118,853 injuries, both significant increases from the previous year.

With motor vehicle fatalities and injuries rising, drivers must use utmost caution when on the road. Keep reading as we cover the driving safety tips to boost road safety and avoid the devastating consequences of vehicle collisions.

Tips for Safe Driving

Safe driving is about defensive driving. Here are our top eight tips all drivers can use to increase safety and keep themselves and others safe. 

Conduct Routine Vehicle Checks

Before getting in your vehicle, check that your tires are properly inflated and that there aren’t any obvious issues with the body of your vehicle. Damaged vehicles should always be brought to a repair shop, which can also perform routine checks of brakes and brake lights, fluid levels, etc. Inside the vehicle, be aware of the various lights on the dashboard and what they mean.

Wear Your Seatbelt

A seat belt for drivers and all passengers can save lives in a collision. Seat belts will keep you in your seat and prevent more serious injuries or ejection during an accident. 

Check Blind Spots

Make sure your mirrors optimize the visibility of what’s around you, and remember to shoulder check before changing lanes or turning. Checking blind spots is an important and responsible driving maneuver, and helps avoid a collision.

Don’t Drive Distracted

Avoid driving with anything that takes your attention away from the road. Take steps to stay focused on the road by putting phones, maps, and earphones away. No exceptions. 

Use Signals and Lights

Turn signals and vehicle lights are used to show other vehicles where you are and what your intentions are. Be visible to other vehicles by ensuring your lights are working, and that you use them to show others where you’re going.

Maintain a Safe Distance and Speed

A safe following distance will ensure you have time to brake if the person ahead of you brakes hard or suddenly. This distance varies based on speed. Follow the posted speed limit, while accounting for traffic flow and weather conditions.

Be Cautious at Intersections and Railway Crossings

Always come to a full stop at intersections and red lights. Not only is that the law, but it’s also a chance to ensure other vehicles stop and yield the right of way. Railway crossings don’t always have barriers, so check for oncoming trains before crossing.

Plan an Escape Route

Most of the time, you won’t need one. But if you always know what you would do in an emergency, it will help when needed. As you drive, know where you can pull off to avoid a collision.

Read More: Three Myths About Car Repair After an Accident

What are the Five Rules of Defensive


These tips focus on preparation, avoidance, and awareness:

  1. Scan the road
  2. Look far ahead
  3. Check side mirrors
  4. Monitor rear view mirror
  5. Maintain a safe following distance

The 3-Second Rule

Other tips for safe driving include the three-second rule. This means maintaining a following distance equivalent to three seconds from the vehicle in front. Determine this distance by choosing a marker by the road (a sign, tree, building) and counting to three once the vehicle in front of you passes that marker. 

If you pass the marker before three seconds is up, you’re too close. If you pass the marker in three seconds or more, you’re driving at a safe distance.

Multiple parked vehicles waiting for repair in a CSN auto body shop

Safe-Driving Tips for New Drivers

New drivers are often excited to get behind the wheel for the first time. However, they have less experience and confidence in responding to different situations on the road, and may be more prone to collisions. 

Below are some safe-driving tips for new drivers to help build defensive driving habits and keep the roads safe:

  • Obey all traffic rules: Driving is exciting, but no one is above the rules
  • Slow down: Give yourself extra time to make decisions
  • Maintain your vehicle: Avoid collisions due to maintenance issues
  • Be prepared for emergencies: Keep jumper cables, a first aid kit, and an emergency car kit with supplies inside your car in case of emergencies
  • Watch the weather: Know what conditions you’ll be driving in, and check for potential hazards
  • Don’t drive under the influence: New drivers can’t have any alcohol or drugs in their system

Read More: Understanding the Different Types of Damage That Can Occur During a Car Crash

Safe Driving Tips for Winter

New and veteran drivers will experience the same risks with winter driving. In Canada, winter can affect the roads with ice, potholes, flurries, slush, and heavy snow. 

Visibility, traction, and control are reduced. The following are safe driving tips for winter and will help you stay safe on snow-covered roads and icy surfaces.

  • Slow down more than normal
  • Don’t use cruise control
  • Steer gently on curves; don’t brake
  • Drive smoothly to avoid sliding on slippery roads
  • Give extra stopping space
  • Focus and keep your eyes active
  • Stay visible
  • Move over for emergency vehicles
  • Don’t pass snow plows
  • Practice emergency braking when safe
  • Check the weather forecast to be prepared for road conditions
 A CSN autobody technician working on the interior of a vehicle’s door

Tips for Safe Driving with Top-Performing Collision Repair

Adhering to our safe driving tips will enhance your defensive driving skills and ensure the safety of yourself, your passengers, and other drivers on the road.

Driving safely is about collaboration and communication, and everyone must do their part. But even with these tips for safe driving, accidents occur. Therefore, it’s important to know who to call in case of an emergency

CSN Heartland is there after a collision, big or small. With a state-of-the-art repair facility and unmatched customer service, our collision repair experts will have your vehicle back on the road in no time. We coordinate with your vehicle manufacturer, dealership, and insurance company to streamline the entire repair process and give you peace of mind. 

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